Meet Seek.

Make material effortlessly engaging for every student.

The ultimate time saver.

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Built by educators and students from

Blue Hero
Green Hero
Orange Hero

Make teaching and learning easier

Compatible with ANY teaching plan



Content Creation

Generate relevant, immersive texts for each student in seconds.

Hero Waterfall


Save Time

A one-stop shop for creating engaging teaching material.


Memorable Learning

Help students love to read through what they love & they'll love you!


AI-Powered Analytics

Forget grading or quizzes - Seek has got it all automated for you.

Hero Analytics

Make learning memorable for students in a Heartbeat.

Seek asks each student what they love to generate individualized texts in any language. Get your students motivated to learn through what THEY love and they will love YOU!

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Integrated tools to help automate grading and accelerate learning.

Seek generates automatic quizzes and marks them at the end of each student’s story. with functions like text-to-audio function to accelerate student learning.

Meet your teaching needs in seconds.

Simply import your teaching needs. No more time spent on creating elaborate assignments, prepping for class. Seek is here to help you make homework more "fun"

With AI-powered classroom analytics, track and present progress like never before.

Thanks to Seek’s smart teacher dashboard, you can track each student’s progress and grades, easily generate grade reports, and integrate with other platforms!

Classroom Analytics

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